Dr Adveppa C Wali

Dr. Wali in his speech told a brief history, importance and the origin of yoga. He also insisted on practicing yoga on a daily basis to improve the stability of our mind, body and soul.

Felicitation of our chief guest

Dr Wali was felicitated for his immense contribution to society and yoga.

Felicitation of our Yoga guru

Mr Amruteshwar Aralikatti, Yoga instructor at our school was felicitated for his dedication and for being an inspiration to our students to practice Yoga.

Yoga Demonstration

Under the guidance of Mr Amruteshwar, the students performed yoga for an hour

International Yoga Day Celebration

Yoga for Humanity

This year the International Yoga Day was celebrated in a unique way on 21 June 2022, on the school campus with full enthusiasm.  Students from KG-1 to Class 7 assembled along with their teachers and other members of staff and actively participated in the celebration.  The inauguration of the event was made by the students by watering the saplings in various yoga poses. Then the programme was continued by our Yoga teacher Mr Amruteswar Aralikatti, who displayed special yoga asanas which were followed by teachers and students with fervor for about 45 minutes.

Eminent scholar and author of several books in Kannada, Professor Dr Adveppa Wali Guruji was the Chief Guest of the day. In his keynote address, he gave a brief history on the origin of yoga and explained the importance of yoga in our day-to-day life and also how yoga helps us improve ourselves, get concentration and in attaining inner peace.

Mr Rishikumar Sarangi, Guest of honour also briefed on Yoga Day.  He mentioned that this day is celebrated every year on 21 June which is the longest day of the year, known as the summer solstice. Sanvi of Class 5 elaborated on the importance of the International Yoga Day.

The Distinguished Chief Guest Dr Adveppa Wali Guruji and our Yoga Teacher Mr Amriteshwar Aralikatti were felicitated with a shawl and memento.

Ms Valentine Ladwa, Principal welcomed the gathering. A vote of thanks was proposed by Skanda of class V. Devikarani and Shreya Hombalmath anchored the whole programme in style. The event was concluded with the singing of the national anthem.